Selected Bibliography
         Texts and Commentaries
Amoretti and Epithalamion. London, 1595. Facs. ed. Amsterdam:
 Da Capo Press; New York: Theatrvm Orbis Terrarvm,1969.
 The English Experience. No. 114.
English Epithalamies. Ed. Robert H. Case. London & Chicago, 1896.
 Edmund Spenser: Epithalamion, pp. 6-17.
Spenser: Poetical Works. Eds. J. C. Smith & E. De Selincourt.
 Oxford University Press,1912.
Spenser's Epithalamion. Ed. Cortlandt Van Winkle. New York, 1926.
 Abbreviated [Van Winkle] in the notes.
Spenser: Daphnaïdat and Other Poems. Ed. W. L. Renwick. London:
 The Scholartis Press, 1929. An Elizabethan Gallery.No.4,
 Abbreviated [Renwick] in the notes.
The Works of Edmund Spenser. A Variorum Edition.
 Eds. Edwin Greenlaw et al. The Minor Poems (vol.8). Baltimore:
 The Johns Hopkins Press, 1947. Abbreviated [Variorum]in the notes.
Spenser: Fowre Hymnes & Epithalamion: A Study of Edmund Spenser's Doctrine of  Love.Enid Welsford.Oxford: Basil Blackwell,1967.
Abbreviated [Welsford] in the notes.
Edmund Spenser: Selected Poetry. Ed. Hugh Maclean. New York: Norton,
 1968. A Norton Critical Edition. Abbreviated [Maclean] in the notes.
Edmund Spenser: Selected Poetry. Eds. A. Kent Hieatt & Constance Hieatt.
 New York: Meredith Corporation,1970. Crofts Classics.
    Critical and Background Studies
Berger, Harry Jr., ed. Spenser: A Collection of Critical Essays.
 Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice Hall, 1968.
 Twentieth Century Views.
Elliot, John R. Jr., ed. The Prince of Poets: Essays on Edmund Spenser.
 New York University Press &the University of London Press,1968.
Ellrodt, Robert. Neoplatonism in the Poetry of Spenser.
 Geneve: Librairie e Droz, 1960.
Fowler, Alastair D. S. Spenser and the Numbers of Time. London:
 Routledge & Kegan Paul; New York: Barnes and Noble, 1964.
 Triumphal forms. Structural Patterns in Elizabethan poetry.
 Cambridge: the University Press, 1970.
 Silent Poetry: Essays in Numerological Analysis. Ed. Alastair
 Fowler. London: Routledge; New York: Barnes and Noble, 1970.
Hamilton, A. C., ed. Essential Articles for the Study of Edmund
 Spenser. Hamden, Connecticut: Archon Books, 1972.
Henley, Pauline. Spenser in Ireland. Dublin: Cork University Press,
 1928. Repr. New York: Russell and Russell,1969.
Hieatt, A. Kent. Short Time's Endless Monument. The Symbolim
 of the numbers in Edmund Spenser's 'Epithalamion'.
 New York & London: Kennikat Press, 1960.
Jones, H. S. V. A Spenser Handbook. New York: F. S. Crofts, 1930.
Kennedy, Judith M. & Reither, James A., eds. A Theatre for Spenserians: Papers of   the International Spenser Colloquium, Fredericton 1969. The University of Toronto Press, 1973.
Lewis, C. S. Spenser's Images of Life. Ed. Alastair Fowler.
  Cambridge University Press, 1967.
Lotspeich, Henry Gibbons. Classical Mythology in The Poetry of
 Edmund Spenser. New York: Gordian Press, 1932.
Nelson, William, ed. Form and Convention in the Poetry of Edmund
 Spenser: Selected Papers from English Institute.
 Columbia University Press, 1961.
Roche, T. P. Kindly Flame: A Study of the Third and Fourth Books of
 Spenser's 'Faerie Queene'. Princeton University Press, 1964.
Satterthwaite, Alfred W. Spenser Ronsard and DuBellay:
 A Renaissance Comparison. Princeton University Press, 1960.
Shire, Helen. A Preface to Spenser. London & New York: Longman,
Watkins, W. B. C. Shakespeare and Spenser. Princeton University Press,
Whitaker, Virgil K. The Religious Basis of Spenser's Thought.
 California: Stanford University Press, 1950.
Wilson, Elkin Calhoun. England's Eliza. Harvard University Press,
       Some Classical Sources
Castiglione. The Book of Courtier. Trans. George Bull.
  Penguin Classics, 1967.
Catullus. The Poems of Catullus. Trans. Peter Whighalll.
  Penguin Classics, 1966.
Claudian. Claudian. Vol.1. Latin text with English translation by
 Maurice Platnauer. London: William Heinemann, 1922.
 The Loeb Classical Library.
Hesiod. Hesiod and Theogonis. Trans. Dorothea Wender.
 Penguin Classics, 1973.
Homer. The 'Illiad' of Homer. Trans. Richmond Lattimore.
 Oxford Paperbacks, 1951.
Ovid. Metamorphoses. Trans. Rolfe Humphries, Indiana University
 Press, 1957.
Petrarch. 'The Triumphs' of Petrarch. Trans. Ernest H. Wilkins.
 The University of Chicago Press, 1962.
Plato. The Symposium. Trans. Walter Hamilton. Penguin Classics, 1951.
 Paedrus and Letters VII & VIII. Trans. W.F. Jackson Knight.
 Penguin Classics, 1956.
 Timaeus and Critias. Trans. Desmond Lee. Penguin Classics, 1965.
Sidney, Sir Philip. The Complete Works of Sir Philip Sidney.Vol.II.
 Ed. Albert Feuillerat. Cambridge: the University Press, 1922.
The Holy Bible: the Authorized Version, 1611.
The Geneva Bible, 1560.
Theocritus. The Poems of Theocritus. Trans. Anna Rist.
 The University of North Carolina Press, 1978.
Virgi1. The Eclogues, Georgics and Aeneid of Virgil.
 Trans. C. Day Lewis. Oxford Paperbacks, 1966.
Young, Bartholomew. Trans. A Critical Edition of Young's Translation
 of George of Montemayor's 'Diana' and Gil Polo's 'Enamaoured Diana'.
 Ed. Judith M. Kennedy. Oxford: The Clarendon Press,1968.
          Some Articles
Baroway, Israel. 'The Imagery of Spenser and the Song of Songs.'
 JEGP. 33 (1934).
Bennet, Josephine Water. 'Spenser's Venus and the Goddess of Nature
 of the Cantos of Mutabilitie'. SP. 30 (1933).
Blisset, William. 'Spenser's Mutabilitie.' Essays in English Literature from the
 Renaissance to the Victorian Age, presented to A. S .P. Woodhouse 1964.
 Toronto,1964. Repr. in Hamilton, ed. Essential Articles.
Cirillo, A. R. 'Spenser's Epithalamion: The Harmonious Universe of Love.'
 Studies in English Literature 1500-1900. 8 (1968).
Cumming, Peter M. 'Spenser's Amoretti as an Allegory of Love.'
 Texas Studies in English Literature and Language. 12 (1970).
Dunlop, Alexander. 'Calendar Symbolism in the "Amoretti".'
 N&Q, 214 (1969).
 'The unity of Spenser's Amoretti.' In Fowler, ed. Silent Poetry.
Fowler, Alastair A.D. 'Six Knights at Castle Joyous.' SP. 56 (1969).
Greenlaw, Edwin A. 'Spenser's "Mutabilitie".' PMLA, 45 (1930).
Hawkins, Sherman, 'Mutabilitie and the Cycle of the Months.'
 In Nelson, ed. Form and Convention.
Hieatt, A. Kent. 'The Daughters of Horus: Order in the Stanzas of
 Epithalamion.' In Nelson, ed. Form and Convention.
Hunter, G. K. 'Spenser's Amoretti and the English sonnet tradition.'
 In Kennedy, ed. A Theatre for Spenserians.
Jenkins, Raymond. 'Spenser with Lord Grey in Ireland.'
 PMLA.52 (1937).
 'Spenser and Ireland.' ELH. 19 (1952).
Johnson, W. C. 'Amor and Spenser's Amoretti.'
 English Studies, 54 (1973).
Koller, Katharine. 'Two Elizabethan Expressions of the Idea of
 Mutability.' SP. 35 (1938).
Lewis, C. S. 'Genius and Genius.' RES. 12 (1936).
Main, W. W. 'Spenser's Epithalamion.' N&Q, 196 (1951).
McPeek, James. A. S. 'The Major Sources of Spenser's Epithalamion.'
 JEGP. 35 (1936).
Miller, Paul W. 'The Decline of the English Epithalamion.'
 Texas Studies in Literature and Language. 12 (1970).
Neuse. Richard. 'The Triumph over Hasty Accidents: A Note on the
 Symbolic Mode of the "Epithalamion".' MLR. 61 (1966).
 Repr. in Hamilton, ed. Essential Articles.
Osgood, Charles G. 'Epithalamion and Prothalamiom: "and their eccho
 ring".' MLN. 76 (1961).
Padelford, F. M. 'Spenser and the Theology of Calvin.' MP. 12 (1914).
 'Spenser's Fowre Hymnes: A Resurvey.' SP. 29 (1932).
Stevenson, W, H. 'The Spaciousness of Spenser's Epithalamion.'
 REL. 5 (July 1964).
Tuve, Rosemond. 'A Medieval Commonplace in Spenser's Cosmology.'
 SP. 30 (1933).
Wickert, M. A. 'Structure and Ceremony in Spenser's Epithalamion.
 ELH. 35 (1968).
Williams, Kathleen. 'Venus and Diana: Some Uses of Myth
  in The Faerie Queene.' ELH. 36 (1961).
Woodhouse, A. S. P. 'Nature and Grace in The Faerie Queene.'
  ELH.16 (1949). Repr. in Hamilton, ed. Essential Articles.